Woot! A's are out of the cellar. (Sorry, susan.) Also they've won their last five series. Also On May 29, the A's were 15 games under .500. now they're 6 under.
Howl is v. v. pretty.
Heh. What was his line? "Life's
not worth living if I'm not beautiful."
She's so dainty and wee!
You know what's hard to find? Black nail polish.
Check Ebay. L'oreal made one before they reformulated Jet Set that kicked ass. Was called Black Box.
Usually, I stock up on black polish around Halloween.
This is weird...last night's CSI rerun centered on a woman with a clown fetish. I tried not to laugh but I did.
Then the next thing I watched was the Chuckles the Clown MTM.
Real rubber-nose synchronicity.
A little song, a little dance
A little seltzer down your pants
You know, while I was seeing Howl's Moving Castle, I kept thinking that the gothlings would really like his character and those pretty swinging earrings, too. Loved the meltdown scene very very much. I can't wait to have the DVD in my hot little hands.
Start New Job tomorrow morning! I already have a list of my favorite beautiful silver bead items. Sadly, I have no desk and no computer, either. That will be terribly strange and I will miss all-day access to the Net. What if I need to google something???
Another bit of good news from Chez Bee: DH has been offered a position. All he has to do is pass a drug test, but they don't seem to be in any rush to tell him where and when he has to offer up his pee.
except on the CSI, it was on the pillowcase.
You know what's hard to find? Black nail polish.
Do you have an ULTA there? They carry Creative Nail Design's Voodoo, which is a nice glossy black. That's what I always use.
Yay for KBee's DH!!
So fricking hot here.
And not in a "Yes! Oh yes!" way.
I have chatted online with the cute (winning!) driver boy again. I did not hit on him this time. I think I am growing as a race slut fan. Or slipping.
Freesia, from the farmer's market, smells wonderful in the vase next to my bed so I anticipate sweet dreams.
I have nectarines too because beth wouldn't share yesterday.
Whoops. My close tag jumped. That was weird.
You talked to him? You talked tohim?!?!?!?!
Did he recognize you?
When I got there the food was gone and they'd moved onto the religion portion. Feh. No Abuelafest for me.