Malaysia didn't get any higher on my list of places to visit.
But you can get the traditional Malaysian dish "nazi goering." Really.
Well, heck, I pretty much think birthdays should include the day before and the day after the actual day...and if anyone deserves 3 days of celebration it's JZ!
Am I right in remembering that tomorrow is not just me, but also deb and her DH?
Deb and her DH are the same day as Hec.
Rule at
you mean.
Ugh. This morning is one of those not enough coffee in the world, my whole body feels heavy mornings. I need to get moving though, to make it to the Farmer's market before all the best stuff is gone. From there, it's on to Target and then Ikea.
Random things about Teppy today:
I have a violently sore throat. I saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith last night. (Fun movie -- and HOTT!) I have a new digital camera. I have to go to a meeting at 4:30 today, and I feel like total death and don't want to go. I'm out of coffeemate. I just ate Greek yogurt with honey, which was yummy and felt good on my throat.
Skipping to the end to post new pictures of the Princess Emeline.
The first ones are her eating her first food - sweet taters.
Awww! What a cutie--I'd forgotten how little they look in those great big high chairs at first.
Hee, I love that shot of Em in the Led Zeppelin shirt. And the blue dress looks so sweet on her! What a cutie-patootie.
Cute Emeline photos! She seems to like those sweet potatoes.
You know what's hard to find? Black nail polish. I thought Hard Candy or Urban Decay would have it for sure but they like don't even make nail polish anymore. Weird. I ended up getting Sephora brand black polish. I've been getting black pedis and I love 'em but the black they use at the salon turns a deep purple quickly and I don't want that. I want it to stay black.
I am stealing her away like the Goblin King.