As always, I love the Emmett stories. Go Emmett!
Raquel, that really sucks about the computer. I'm glad it's still under warranty, and I hope you get it back soon.
I kind of overslept this morning. I looked at the alarm clock at 7:03, rolled over, fell back asleep, looked at the clock again at 10:05. Whoops. And I was going to go to a deaf church this morning for class. Oh, well. I've still got time...
I finally heard from the boy I asked to study with me. I thought he was blowing me off, but turns out he's in Philly for the weekend and not checking his mail much. He can't get together this weekend, but he says he'd like to another time.
I'm in my old granny pjs this morning. I forgot how much I love these in the hot summer. It's a long knit nightgown, but really feels like a long knit t-shirt. Can't really walk the dog in it, but it's nice for sleeping and lounging around the house.
I keep thinking I want an old-style cotton nightgown (all Little House On The Prairie and stuff) but I just end up with them wrapped around my waist, so there's no real point sleeping in anything longer than mid-calf. As is, I'm in plaid flannel PJ bottoms (with random krav logo appliqued on) and a shelf-bra cami. Flannel to be substituted out for silk or boxers as the weather demands.
Oh, god. I can't even *think* about flannel right now!
It's still chilly (for me) here at night. I'm also wearing socks and sleeping under two blankets.
Thanks to Emily, I'm able to keep my room fairly cool (I stole her air conditioner, because I just am not able to handle the heat at all with this new med I'm on), so I'm still sleeping under my big comforter. I need the weight, otherwise I don't sleep well. I don't wear socks, though, and my feet stick out from the comforter.
ita, what's your comfort zone, temperature-wise?
ita, what's your comfort zone, temperature-wise?
I'm happiest between 80 and 90. I'd rather be >90 than <80.
I'm happiest under 80. Although I have to say, a lot of that has to do with air, here. In Aruba, even though it was mid-to-high 80s, the whole time we were there, and it was fairly moist, the tradewinds were the perfect antidote to the heat for me, and I felt like I was in heaven. I've never really been any place else where it is warm all the time, although I went to South Carolina during the summer, when I was a teenager. Then, I felt like I was in Hell.
Yeah, I'm with you, Cindy. Although, I know that it's the humidity that kills me.
It's the humidity that does me in, too. But I've never spent significant time anywhere that isn't humid. I also can't tolerate direct sun for too long, so even though the winds in Aruba were fabulous, I had to sit under a tree or an umbrella a lot, on the beach.