But on Oz he seemed to relish being a dick so much that I almost didn't know it was the same man, even though he looks the exact same.
The first season, I just hated him. The second season, I began to enjoy hating him, because, like you say, he relishes being a dick so much. He's very slimy, but he's also not stupid.
I could tell ZI was having fun with it, and dude, cursing right-wingers? "Oh, as usual, dear."
My sympathies were always with McManus, because I am such a McManus myself.
I think McManus shares both my best and worst qualities.
Another wanna-be hero on a Fontana/Levinson show named Tim. What's that about? I think it's a shoutout, but I don't know for whom.And I would say the same but the analogy breaks down because I'd never make time during a prison riot. Nuh and uh.
whee. carpet is up -- and once I started pulling - the stuff came out from under the baseboards. the carpet smelled of wet dog. now to pull up the double stick tape. then to guess what will get rid of the other stuff on the floor. wouldn't it be nice if it was the scubbing bubbles?
BTW, I started doing this because I don't want to vaccuum.
So, um, yeah. I'm bored, and it's hot, and I really don't want to do my 8-mile run today, so I played around with some shots I took on Thursday night. (The album blurb reads "So it was amazingly hot & humid, and I was in the coolest spot possible that still allowed me to hear the delivery guy knock, so I decided to take some pictures. (And if that doesn't sound like the beginning to a bad porn, I don't know what does.) Anyway. There's some that I want to run through PhotoShop, but here are some of the better ones.....")
Hec, never say I don't deliver. I just take my sweet time about it.
Juliana, that site wants me to log in. Is there a way around it?
Fark. I thought I had set it to not do that. Try this
Getting in and out of the NYC on a Saturday night is always a challenge.