Did you guys ever get Goodness Gracious Me? Because if you haven't seen it, you totally should, P-C. Very funny sketch show, with one hell of a good cast who've gone on to do masses of good stuff.
No, we didn't. Dude, it's a sketch show with Indian people! And hey, Parminder Nagra! I've never seen it, never heard of it. Damn.
Lilybean is very much with the hair, however.
t runs away very fast
Brenda's right. Her hair is far more Clark-like.
Plus, when Libkitty and Debet Esse were over, we discovered that if it's unwashed for a couple days, it can do that thing that Rio and Steph's hair does!
I was thinking Liam. Liam Clark? Liam Connor? Liam Alexander? Liam William Bill?
A couple more Lily pictures are up:
Lily's first B.org F2F with Libkitty (and friend!) and Debet Esse: [link]
Lily's hair really does do that thing: [link]
Oh, Deena! That is just too scary. I'm glad everyone is ok.
Um...there was more...Oh, PMM, Lily continues to amaze me with her cuteness. I love the group shot too!
I'm up WAY earlier than I wanted to be this morning. Oh, well. Maybe I'll actually make it to the grocery store before it gets crazy busy. We'll see how quickly I get moving.
Come on people! Wake up! Come play with me!
I'm awake! I went to bed at 10:15 too, so I don't even resent being awake!
Deena, I'm so glad the kids are okay, and sorry you had such a scare.
Lilybean is too cute, and next week, I get to see her. Yay me!
I'm up, Doggie woke me up at 5:45, after i didn't get to sleep untul midnight. Not loving Doggie right now.
Pours Robin a big cup of coffee.
(then remembers she doesn't know if Robin drinks the stuff)
Not a coffee fan, but I got my deelish Diet Coke at hand.