Nope, the Nicoderm-whatever. (WalMart brand). It's all itchy
D'OH! Sorry. I knew you were quitting, Lilty, I just didn't put two and two together. I do think they can cause some irritation, but what everyone else said about dealing. It is basically dealing a drug transdermally, which some skin can object to. I hope it gets less itchy.
waits for Cash to come pimp Timbuk2
Hee! Hell yeah! But I'm still waiting to afford my own. I saw a woman downtown last week who completely stole my idea and was using a Timbuk2 bag as a diaper bag. So. Pretty.
When DH and I are together, we do rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to change dirty diapers. I won both times yesterday and I kept looking around for someone to beat today when the moment of truth came. I lost against myself.
Betsy! Congratulations!
Have you started the new job yet?
-t, can you explain the tiara exchange (like how it works and any other "rules"). I've obviously heard of it before, but I think I was too new to feel comfortable particpating last time.
I just gave my two weeks' notice; I'll take a week off after that, so the new job won't start until June.
Many congratulations, Betsy! I hope they deserve you.
Tiara! Tiara! I need a new tiara!
Okay, that's about all the excitement of which I'm capable today. I'm still feeling like crap from the bug Nick gave me some 4 weeks ago; I didn't get a check in the mail; my PT was a snafu that ended up with me not getting it, and I didn't want to go, so was all righteous feeling for overcoming the inner sloth and going, and I tried to stitch witch some sheers that are too sheer.
But! I did get a load of laundry in the washing machine. Now that Kara's all completely potty trained, she thinks of panties as a fashion accessory and has been changing them 3 or more times a day. I told her to stop it, so now when she wants to change she "loses" the previous pair. I gathered teeny panties from all over the house.
I gathered teeny panties from all over the house.
Price. Less.
For the record, I enjoy fresh panties whenever possible.
Yay, Betsy! Already yayed in Natter, but since Betsy has actually shown up over here since then...yay!
Stephanie, there aren't a lot of rules as such. Anyone who wants to play should e-mail me by, let's say, June 15th. I will match each giver to a receiver and let each Bitch know who she (or, I suppose, he) is shopping for. Everyone is encouraged to link to pretty pictures of tiaras they especially like, or that they think someone else would like. We'll all try to get tiaras shipped off to their recipients by, oh, the end of July. Everyone who gets one takes a picture of their foamy selves in their new tiaras, send the picture to me, and I post it in a dedicated Bitch Tiara Exchange III (or whatever number is correct) Gallery/Album/thingy.
Sound good?