Stupid gorram peasant skirts! EVERY SINGLE PLACE I have tried to order them, they are on backorder for eleventy bajillion YEARS.
A-hem. Did you think of looking at actual belly dance supply places, which stock those sorts of skirts all the time? Silly woman.
Flying skirts
Fat Chance Belly Dance
I eventually found a lovely peasant skirt for under $22 at a quasi-headshop near a college campus.
This is also good advice. Go to the nearest Indian import store. They will probably have lots of skirts.
Celebdaq, at the BBC website. Fay mentioned them, I looked, now I'm hooked. By shares in celebrities like they were stocks, their publicity determines the price.
A knowledge of Brit celebrities helps.
I also described Spector as being "brilliant but bugfuck crazy, and not in a sweet way like Brian Wilson". If she does not know who that is, I suspect looking up during a rainstorm might shorten her life, so I don't want to know... I already spent three minutes repeating "Who's Phil Spector?!" every possible way because I was fucking boggled.
Weird eerie fact: Both Richard Belzer's and Phil Spector's dads killed themselves.
No wonder nobody liked that one as much as I did.
Seany - more like the ones Jilli linked to.
Seany - more like the ones Jilli linked to.
S thought a style a little more like the one you linked to, fitted around the top, would look better on you. If you're looking for the billowy flowy around the bottom, it's possible to do both.
This is also good advice. Go to the nearest Indian import store. They will probably have lots of skirts.
Plus? Better colors than poop brown, neon coral, see-though ass enlarging white, and retro 80s turquoise.