Timelies, all!
I'm back on the east coast. It's good to be home, even though it was great to see my family and so many friends.
Cindy, I love the haircutting story. I think I have always liked getting my haircut, but as you said, maybe girls are easier than boys. I was always scared of the clippers but since I never needed them, it didn't really upset me.
Phew. Tired, and I can't find my credit card records. This irks me, as I reckon our therapy bills last year were probably enough to claim as a tax deduction.
ION, I saw the first new Doctor Who on the weekend. Enjoyed it immensely. And tomorrow night I'm going to see Katie Melua in concert! I'm rather excited.
slips spare Vanilla Bitch Card into vw's back pocket
Oh, thank you, Cindy! I knew I couldn’t possibly be completely alone.
New Bitch Must Read:
t adds to wish list
So, um, I think I'm going to try to not smoke tommorrow. Or the day after that. And so on. I have three ciggies left, which I'll smoke tonight, then tommorrow put on one of these patch thingies I've got.
Good luck, you!
Hey, mebbe I get to one month with no smokey treats and I finally get myself a tiara.
We should go shopping together! I don’t have one either, and I certainly deserve one!
"Are you gonna get beautiful?" and when they were done, he'd say, "Oh, you're all beautiful, now."
That’s just precious!
Hi, billytea! I hate it when I can’t find things after a move. It’s so very frustrating.
So, today I must do laundry so I have something to wear to observing at the school tonight. Then I have observing at the school. I really hope that goes well. If it does, it could mean that I get the job. Wheeee!
The new Dr. Who does indeed rock.
I'm all disappointed. I can't find my Kane CD. I must have lost it in the split. I have it on my old computer, but it's in .rmj format, which won't convert to iTunes. Looks like I'm gonna have to purchase the cd. What a hardship.
Well, gosh darnit! Where is everyone today?
I'm here, I was just catching up.
To wit:
askye, I love your color sense. I really want to see the completed furniture in place when you are all moved in
I am almost totally unprepared for hurricane season. I am moving further along the evacuation route, though. That must count for something. Every year I say I’ll assemble an evacuation kit with emergency supplies and every year it doesn’t happen.
Lilty, go you with the not smoking!
Owen is verra cute.
I think it’s time for a tiara exchange. e me if you want to play and I will match up names by some arcane and random process that I will never ever reveal.
I'm here, waiting for work from the temp agency. You know, the one that
hasn't uploaded my info into their system. I did place a firm but polite call this morning, and I think that someone's admin is about to get a talking-to.
I also found a creative placement agency that works with artists and writers. Should be interesting.
BTW, Teppy, insent to your profile addy.
I'm trying to decide whether or not to order groceries or get my ass off the couch and go to the grocery store. Looks like ordering is gonna win.