I enjoyed your portfolio, vw, seeing how well you filter your experiences into art.
Thanks, Susan! And I really do. It's kind of funny to look back on the semester's work, 'cause it's really how my life was that semester...you see it so much in the work. If only I could make it more of a habit to use that outlet.
I know you're all waiting with baited breath, but shortly I'm going to have a pet video uploaded to my new website. It's so cute!
The best thing for poison ivy is Round-Up, which is actually pretty clean as herbicides go. Buy the tinted kind in a spraycan; that way you can spray only the leaves of the PI and leave the other plants around it intact.
Will someone visit Toto's page and let me know if the link to his video works? [link]
Will someone visit Toto's page and let me know if the link to his video works?
It works all right. Dead of the cute...
If you think that's one's cute, check out this one! [link]
Oh, no. I get here and you're talking pets. When I am doing everything I can think of to distract myself from going to the shelter and getting a kitten.
I must stay strong. Laundry and Playstation. No kitten.
Yeah, don't you need a license to inflict that level of cuteness on the public?