I remember Liquid Television, and Ren & Stimpy, but the rest of those shows are a complete mystery to me. We got by with just the 4 channels when I was growing up. Came in on the rabbit ear antenna, that got better reception if a cat was sprawled on the TV.
Heh, thank you for your support re: my crazy non-stair climbing relatives. I mean, I know that stairs can be tough for folks, but I don't think it needs to be the sole point of discussion whenever the house is broguht up. It's upsetting, and annoying.
Oh, Nora. I forgot about that. That is entire craziness! I completely agree!
t rolls eyes forever at Nora's relatives
That social convention where it's okay to endlessly criticize someone else's purchases needs to end. My parents' split-level has two bathrooms, both upstairs. It is not a big deal at all. Though my mom did notice that her thighs got slimmer after they moved there from running up and down the stairs all day.
Morning. Ugh, my allergies are killing me, but someone here gave me a Zytec, so hopefully I will stop sniffling and leaking at the eyes soon.
I have slept like ass the last 3 nights, so last night was good. Even though I didn't turn out the light till about 1 ( book) I dropped off immediately. Unfortunately, I didn't want to wake up this morning, and paired with the allergies, and slightly groggy and MEH.
2 days till my annual canoe trip! We leave on Friday morning early, and I'm driving with 3 of my best girlfriends, so it will be a fun roadtrip. And the weather is supposed to be perfect this weekend: 85 and sunny.
And the weather is supposed to be perfect this weekend: 85 and sunny.
In my world we call this hot. And ick.
In Missouri, this is mild and wonderful summer.
104 degrees and 99% humidity is when we start bitching.
Oh! I just checked, and my incomplete has been turned to an A! However, they lost my application for certification, and my $5 check, which I turned in in January.
I told the nice lady I would be happy to fill out the form again, but that I thought the fee should be waived since THOSE INCOMPETENT FUCKS LOST THE DAMN THING.
It's the last straw.
DC is expecting a 4th consecutive day of 90+ weather.
On Friday, we barely reached 60. By Sunday, it was in the 90s.
Spring? What's that?
We usually go from cool to blazing hot and gross, so this has really been a quite pleasant segue into summer.