Ooh, I just googled and found out that in a commentary, the actor who physically played Tastee was named. (I guess the voice actor was listed in the credits)
Now I will have to watch with commentary. MAN, I'm a dork.
Also, David, if you haven't watched them all yet, during "Day of the Dot" you'll get an annoying red line about halfway down your screen for a bit. It's the dvd and not your tv.
"Day of the Dot" is pure genius for the way Big Pete lures Artie to him. He slips the marching band the charts for "Love Rollercoaster" and Artie arrives in a flash declaring, "Funk! The music of the gods!"
One of the best things ever, along with, in "Nightcrawlers" when the batteries to Artie's Krebstar 3000 die, cutting of his supply of energy-driving funk, and he goes into supersleep.
And on that note, I ought to go to bed.
(I have no idea what this Pete & Pete show is. I've never heard of it, and I suspect it's a big prank on me. Just me.)
(Me too. We must suck together.)
I've seen Pete & Pete. It exists.
It's a Nickelodeon show from the 90's. One of my favories as a kid. Now that S1 is out on dvd, I'm the happiest girl EVAH.
(Anyone who hasn't seen it, should. It totally holds up for adults and still makes me laugh out loud.)
Aimee. Look at Luna. Then decide.
I gotta go to bed. I'm beat and I didn't get any freakin laundry done tonight.