It's funny now. I think the cat got in through the front door. It doesn't always shut very well, so it probably just opened it. Oz probably enjoyed it more than anything. If it involves chasing something, he's all about it. Phoebe's probably the only one who's really emotionally scarred. But, she's dumb and has probably already forgotten the whole thing happened.
ETA- I'm mostly just trying to settle down and type up these resumes. Oh, and I get to do the pledge drive for our public stations this weekend and next- after the Habitat orientation at 8, I have pledge drive at 11:30. This weekend's will be live.
I just saw my nephew on the TV news, in national sports! He's so talented and gorgeous and nice! Plus, brilliant. Not that I'm biased or anything.
I can't sleep and I'm feeling kind of down so I went back and re-read the labor-and-post in here while we were in the hospital and well, I'm crying now. Thanks guys, for being such awesome people and awesome friends.
It warm the royal cockles of my Empress heart.
I'm good! Stressed! But good! Can't wait for my last day of work! You?
Oh, a bit of the late night weepiness, but all in all, I have lots to be thankful for and I'm doing ok.
Of course, an Isabella Fiore bag would make me even better.
Leno just did headlines and his last one has the headline, "Oregon Nullifies Gay Marriage" and a picture of Charles and Camilla beneath it.
I have Letterman on. And then I need to go to bed too.
That is a surprisingly hilarious gag for Leno!
Why weepy, baby?
How much you want to spend on that bag? I think MM needs to buy it for you RIGHT AWAY. Don't tarry!!!
I want this.