You know, he's the Pope. He's got Pope things to do and Pope priorities. What bugs me is...
The Pope, who was elected in April, also condemned divorce, artificial birth control, trial marriages and free-style unions, saying all of these practices were dangerous for the family.
So many people will skip right over that part. They'll get all "the Pope SAID" about gay marriage and then do all the other stuff themselves. They'll be pro-life AND pro-death penalty "because of the Pope." Hypocrites. At least the Popey-types are consistent.
Welcome to the world, Ellie! Congratulations to Stephanie and her DH!
bored bored bored
Want to rant in lj, but god afrighty I am sick of hearing myself type.
bored bored bored
Want to rant in lj, but god afrighty I am sick of hearing myself type.
I'm bored enough, I;ll let the double post stay.
Sure, but you're lovely.
What's the quote about standing still and looking stupid to be glamorous? I bet bored works nearly as well.
You are quite lovely Empress... Whyfore the ranty?
I have a new med that my psychiatrist gave me to help me sleep. I hate taking new meds. It makes me nervous. I can't decide if I should take it tonight or wait until tomorrow night, when Teacup Guy will be here.
It's to help you sleep, given to you by a professional... Take the meds, sj.
Thank you, Dr. Cassiepants. I think I will.