Sometimes you feel like a nut.
Sometimes you don't.
Almond Joy's got nuts.
Mounds don't.
Almond Joy's got real milk chocolate,
Crunchy nuts and coconut too.
Mounds got deep dark chocolate
And chewy coconut. Oooh.
Because...Sometimes you feel like a nut.
Sometimes you don't.
note to self: oooh != Ew.
You put money into the system, so you should get whatever's covered, right?
I don't have that kind of system. My remarkably socially aware boss saves huge amounts of money for the company by getting very high deductable plans, and he uses the savings to reimburse us as if we had the lower deductable. He saves thousands of dollars a month.
Thanks! That middle part was just a lot of "something something...chocolate..." in my head.
Which, admittedly, happens a lot with less likely subjects.
Oh where, oh where has my work ethic gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
With my paycheck too short and my hours too long?
Oh where oh where can it be?
Is it in the place of a state test, or in addition?
Also, I hear that a lot of schools don't hire until fairly late in the summer anyway. Which sounds seriously nervewracking, but fortunate if you're being screwed over like that.
Emily, AFAIK, most states use the Praxis, but Mass. might be different. And I'm hoping that the late summer hires are what'll get me in the door; I'm pretty sure I can find a job in the KCMO school district, but they are a pretty crappy district, so I'd like to keep my net cast. But I'm hopeful.
giggles sleepily at Aimée's song
So, wait, did you have to take a Missouri-specific test as well, or not? Also, do you say Missour-ee or Missour-ah?
And was that part of the test?
sleepy too. Had lunch with vw and didn't want to go back to work. But I did like a good little camper.
It's not hurting Annabel that I let her watch lots and lots of Sesame Street and Between the Lions (as in, it's usually on in the background when she plays in the living room, since due to the wonders of Tivo and three PBS channels on our cable system, it's on all the time), is it? She loves it, and it keeps her from spending as much time getting into things she shouldn't. Which in turn allows me to spend more time resting my back and less time chasing her and having to stoop down and pick her up while she screams and goes limp in indignation that I dare prevent her from destroying our books. I still spend time interacting with her myself, but this makes those times when she's playing and I'm working or netsurfing a lot more civilized.