I have sunshine, but it's the first in about eight days. It just means that all that wet ground will create a sauna. With bugs. Still, it's very pretty from inside with the AC on.
t Lights candles at shrine to Willis H. Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning
Anyway, It's time for bed. Have a fun day O Bitches.
Dark chocolate Nestle Crunch . . . what mad genius conceived this nuclear option on my nutrition?
Stephanie! Ellie! Yay!
Lilty's going to Europe, woo-hoo!
mmm, clotted cream.
Lots of ~ma Fay-wards.
{{Heather}} I'm glad to hear you have a plan rather than just a nasty shock. Looking forward to hearing about the campigning and volunteering.
Hurray for the temp assignment, Anne!
I had a very productive Saturday - we got the front room all arranged and as unpacked as it can be until we fetch our dishes from the MiL's and had a delicious and delightful "anniversary" dinner with stuffed flank steak and a champagne that DH actually likes (the man has expensive tastes in bubbly, it turns out). Sunday had a lot more napping. Which was also nice, if providing less tangible results.
Sounds like a great weekend -t!
yay for Anne's temp work!
and I don't think I ever said yay to Lilty going to Europe ! go get your passport today - I am guessing you will need to expedite it.
Yay for temp work and yay for trips to Europe. Boo to Heather's ex-boss and Fay's evil one and boo to extra embassy paperwork. Yay for pretty hairstyles and June birthdays. ~Ma is flying everywhere.
I have to work on the car today, go to PT, get new tags for the car, find a cheap air conditioner and get some paying work done. I don't want to do any of it.
Deena, insent. Twice. Second is most important.
I just talked to someone helpful at Social Security. What a treat that was!
Helpful people are of the good.
My friend sent me a link to pictures from her wedding. 553 of them. This could take a while. Admittedly, I had more pictured from my own wedding, but it still took me a month to look at them all.
Good for you, vw! Helpful people are of the good. And today, I am queen of the obvious.
Hee.. obvious x-post.
Mmmm, dark chocolate Nestle Crunch. . .
Sadly, none around for me.
Lately, I've been enjoying all the different varieties of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.