Bastet is stuck in the kitchen cupboard again. Silly girl. We really probably shouldn't encourage this behavior, but it's so damn cute watching her try to get out. And, we never use the stuff that is in that cupboard...and if we need to, I'll just wash it really well.
I'm trying to do an assignment for class. It's not keeping my interest. I don't even think coffee's gonna help with this one.
Oh, that's right, Billytea. Your dad's like, Big Justice Man!
Welcome Ellie!!! Congrats to Stephanie and Joe.
Stephanie, I went back to read my posts when I went into labor with O. It made me laugh. I'm glad things went well and that Joe's getting there soon.
On purpose? I mean, not two people you just run into in Safeway, y'know? Although I doubt I'd recognize them without their robes on.
Yep, he was over there for a judges' conference.
Oh, that's right, Billytea. Your dad's like, Big Justice Man!
He is! I shall henceforth refer to him as Big Blue Justice.
Hey, Cashmere. Welcome back.
He is! I shall henceforth refer to him as Big Blue Justice.
He's going to need a sidekick. Preferably somebody with a background in something similar to accounting who knows a thing or two about the Luna Moth. Hmmm.....
He's going to need a sidekick
Clerk Boy! or Obscure Citation Kid
Thanks, Cindy. It's good to be back.
I shall henceforth refer to him as Big Blue Justice.
billytea, he needs a cape for this!
billytea, he needs a cape for this!
No capes! He has superheroing to do.
t waves
Hiya, Bitches!
I am unaccountably in a chipper mood this morning. No earthly idea why, given the amount of grading and general bullshit I have to deal with today.