Jon! Holy crap! And congratulations!
(yes, I am vehemently anti- ball cap, unless you're actually playing baseball at the time you're wearing it. My apologies to any of you who like wearing them.)
I claim the right to wear my ball-cap, for it is black with large gold upper-case letters spelling 'BUGGER'.
And the best hat EVAH!!!1!!1!
(I covet it.)
It's all true, you can cross me off your life list now.
AND my sweet Cookie of Gloom!
Cass hits on a driver, Stephanie gives birth in ten minutes flat, and now you kids are here. It's the best Bitch Day Evah!!!!!!
t starts singing "Happy Bitch Day to Meeeeee"
I should go to bed, but first I have to tell
about this.
So tonight an old friend came home from Boston for the night and we went out for beers. Her BF left yesterday for three months in Rome, and last week (I took her to the Serenity preview) she mentioned she wanted to go see him. Tonight she asked me to go with her.
I, of course, laughed and told her that I was barely paying my bills. She said she's got the money from a trust fund and if I could pay her back in ten years or so (or hell, not), it really didn't worry her. So, I said there was no way in the world I could have that kind of money hanging over us. She said it would in no way be hanging, and she really, really wanted me to come.
Her plan is a couple days in Florence, then a train to wherever we decide we want to go. Paris, Germany, Amsterdam, Ireland. It seems like the craziest thing in the world for me to do, but I've wanted to do something like this my entire life, and when the hell does this kind of chance come along?
If I can get the time off, in just over a month I may be in Europe. I think I'm going to pass out.
Woot, Lilty! That's awesome!
t waves madly at Trudy
Lilty, that is AWESOME. Eat your head off, man. Just eat and eat and eat your way across Europe. Enjoy every minute of it.
t almost flashes GC
t remembers she's not in New Orleans anymore