I went to the dr. this morning and I'm down 39 lbs from my top weight.
It makes me want to stay on my diet, but it also makes me say, "man, I was a frikkin BUFFALO."
I've been doing paperwork all day -- deferring my student loans, chatting with the IRS about a payment plan. Just about everybody has been very nice and made genuine sounding sympathy noises when I told them how I lost my job. With any luck, if I'm a very VERY good girl, I can try and find a job that won't kill me a little every day.
Wish I could help, but my law firm connections don't extend beyond Topeka, KS.
Can't type sentences that flow together right now. Perhaps I've had too much Diet Pepsi.
Maybe the doc can do something about that caffine jones...
Yeah, like when he wants to get the facts when he and Mac have The Painful Sex...his first thought is "There must be an answer." but I guess it was good it wasn't "I'm bad at that...more cold showers."
The orgasm was his Adena Watson case, sort of.
Wish I could help, but my law firm connections don't extend beyond Topeka, KS.
thank you, sweetie
Any chance the Mrs. could get some treatment for depression? (if that's appropriate, which it may well be)
Wow, Trudy -- 39 pounds! That's a great achievement.
Libkitty, Here is what my friend G. says about the firefly screen saver:
Thanks Perkins! Of course, this means absolutely nothing to me, but I'll show it to the cell phone folks and won't buy a phone until they tell me which will let me download (upload?) the MIDI files and do this.
Go, Trudy, losing weight and blazing through paperwork, very impressive!
I am in favor of hats and sundresses for tea. I have worn jeans to high tea, but that was while shopping at Marshall Fields, and I was totally self-conscious about it.
Aimee, how close are you to pre-baby measurements?
I'm within ten pounds of pre-baby weight (and after yesterday, probably back at it, thanks to the joys of sick), but I think last I checked I was still a good 3-4" bigger in the waist, hips, and boobs. So nothing fits. Of course.
(What crack-addled pairing were you suggesting? Crutches/Savant?)