I didn't either. It was a big surprise.
Weirdness. I just got a phone call from the real estate company I interviewed with. Apparently, the girl they hired didn't work out. They wanted me. I told them I'd already accepted a different position. I may e-mail her later, though, and let her know I could fill in for a few weeks while they try to find someone. I could really use the money...
grr, a co-worker is mad at me becasue I dropped the ball on some stuff. It's... god, there are only so many hours in the day, and I work at least 10 of them already!
Lots of ~Ma to Stephanie, to use as seems best.
Congrats on the job, Erin! Your school is seeming unusually flaky, what with the not telling you what yo needed to graduate and seemingly losing your praxis results. But yay for figuring it out and taking action to get yoru rightful grade!
Tep is scorchingly hot. Excellent pics.
Yay for prepregnancy sized, Aimee! Between the weaning and the weight loss, your life is entirely back to normal, right?
Welcome home, beth, that sounds like a fabulous vacation.
That was the place where you thought you blew the interview, vw? Apparently, it didn't go so badly.
That was the place where you thought you blew the interview, vw? Apparently, it didn't go so badly.
Yup. Apparently it was a difficult decision for them. I was next on the list. I just spoke with her. I'm going to fill in until they can find someone...at least this weekend, maybe next weekend too. Thank God for Mondays off!
Wow, that's gonna be a lot of working. But, money, yay!
There's someone from another division that drives me crazy, everytime she comes over and to see someone she wants to be announced. Either by phone or if the person is on the phone for me to announce her presence in person.
She's the only person who wants this done. We're rather informal, if I say someone's in they just go back there. Most of the time she wants to see someone who's cubicle is right near my desk. Even if he's expecting her, and waiting for her, she won't budge until I call or go over there. With other people it's fine to just say "X! So and so is here!" I don't have to yell or anything.
"Back there" is a small office with two cubicles.
If it's a vendor or someone outside then I do the formal announcing thing.
Am I wrong to find her announcing quirk annoying?
Aimee -- yay for the pre pregnancy weight, that's awesome!
It is actually a really good idea vw. than if the person they hire gets sick or can't come in - they can call you. so more money now, and maybe some later
I'd find that annoying, askye. if that's wrong, so be it.
I was just on the phone with my temp agency to find out how I record Memorial Day (I get paid for holidays now, very exciting, though a sign that i have been at this assignment for too long), and another line rang. I didn't jump off my conversation to answer it. About a minute later, someone from another department walks in and say "Y'all's phone broken? I just called and it rang and rang and rang."
So, I am perhaps primed to find such quirks annoying right now.