Ranks right up there with the fuckwits who refuse to give their babies antibiotics, causing the death of the child from something simple like bronchitis in my own book.
Also, same parents that won't vaccinate their children and then take them abroad for them to catch measels and die.
DH is exactly the same age as Tom Snooze, but he's much taller. Heck, I'm taller. I tell him that I wouldn't swap, even if Tom promised me all the money, gave up on Scientology and using starlets as camoflauge.
The age difference between them doesn't even ping me.
The thing that squicked me was his squealing display on Oprah. For one, the fact that Katie didn't immediately run away screaming is disheartening, but also, what about his kids? They may be all adjusted that he and their mother aren't together anymore, but they're old enough to catch clips of that display and think, When the hell did Dad lose his frickin' mind?
The whole thing is very weird. I've always liked Katie Holmes, and now, I swing between feeling vaguely sorry for her and wanting to smack some sense into her.
But when they bitch at another human being for taking meds (and imply that their career is in the shitter because of it) for conditions that can CAUSE PSYCHOSIS IN POSTPARTUM WOMEN WHO MAY KILL THEMSELVES OR THEIR BABIES, they're pushing my major "slap the shit out of them" button.
Oh yes, this. She was very honest about making her depression public, I assume to raise consciousness about it. Who the hell is he to tell her, and therefore other PPD women who may need help, that she had no business taking medication? Fuckwit.
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, Tom.
Oh yes, this. She was very honest about making her depression public, I assume to raise consciousness about it.
Particularly since before she had the kid and the subsequent depression she was pretty publicly vocal about how much she wanted children and how great being a mom would be. I imagine it must be pretty tough to not only come to the realization that it's not what you thought it would be and that it's ok to feel that way, but then to go public with your PPD is pretty brave.
I imagine it must be pretty tough to not only come to the realization that it's not what you thought it would be and that it's ok to feel that way, but then to go public with your PPD is pretty brave.
Exactly. I have a friend who was truly almost suicidal. It's an awful, awful thing to look a newborn and think, What the hell do I do with you? How can I make all this stop?
I'm giving telephone advice to an engineer about Microsoft Word numbering.
She doesn't want to accept the answer, which is "If Microsoft Word screws up the numbering on your fourth-level heads, you may be doomed." I tried every trick I knew and none of them worked. Sorry, Charlie, that's all I got.
Not to detract from Cruise's scuzzyness in the least, but Brooke's "heartfelt revelation" struck me as rather well-timed (as usual). She's been a master media manipulator her entire career.
Yeah...I agree. Anymore when actors get going on their troubled pasts or something, I cringe some.
"If Microsoft Word screws up the numbering on your fourth-level heads, you may be doomed."
Custom styles . . . no . . . when I did Word support I'd rather do a hundred mail merge lists from bad original data than custom styles. So many places where it refers back to other things, and if there's one setting wrong anyway it just cascades down through . . .
t i dont do that anymore i dont do that anymore i dont do that anymore
Hate those tech support flash backs.