Laura, one of my friends swears by burning those little bundles of sage -- memfaulting on the name of the ritual -- smudging, or something like that?
Where I used to work, we had a particularly noxious guy leave the company. The woman taking his cubicle smudged. Worked like a charm. She's still there and loves what she's doing.
Laura, I think filling up the house with happiness is important, too. She needs to make it her own, and stop thinking of it as m-i-l's house. Have friends in. Have parties. Laugh a lot. Make love in the non-bedroom rooms.
I'd recommend the wash-dry-fold. It's money, but it buys peace of mind. I think of it less, "This is money I'm paying for laundry" and more, "this is money I'm paying so that I have more free time." Sometimes, I feel my time is worth the 70 cents a pound, sometimes, not. I think it sounds like you are at a point where it's worth it.
Lilty, the dude looooooves you. Plus? You are freaking cute. And funny and Teh Awesome, so seriously. Why wouldn't he?
I do not have a comics guy.
I am about to embark upon a day spent with family (hooray for issues and underlying hostility!) and then a freebie work thing that involves Tom and I going to dinner and a wine tasting at a Cambridge boutique hotel and then getting put up for the night in one of their rooms. Should be fun!
Awesome Lilly pics.
Sorry for teh stoooopid boy, Erin. Sounds like he's flaking out fast. I wouldn't take it personally, he's probably just scared as all hell that a lady took him up on his offer, and is secretly convinced you want something more. Because that's What Girls Do, right?
I've got two cutiepie sleepyheads under my feet. Why do they decide to sleep *now* rather than when *I'm* trying to sleep?
Y'all are very wise, though I am still looking at the 30-40 lbs. of laundry and sweating at 70 cents a pound. And we'll never be caught up, not unless we someday get a washer/dryer in our building.
I've been thinking about writing a (very, very polite) letter to the landlady and her son, who is taking over the building from her. We have five units: one with a toddler, us with Emmett (and hopefully another within the next year or so), one with a grandson who lives there at least half-time, and one disabled man who has tremendous difficulty navigating our twisty staircase. And we've got two storage rooms and an alcove on the ground floor. There's space, there's need, and I'm certain that if she wanted to invest in a washer/dryer for the building it would not only make our lives easier but increase the value of the units. I have no idea if there's an ADA compliance issue, but I can't imagine that laundry for Pete is anything but an ordeal.
Lily! Gorgeous! Yay!
i'm also pondering the laundry-by-the-pound paradigm. At present we have washer/dryer hookups but not the actual machines and it'll be a few weeks before we bridge the gap. Meanwhile, I think we're gonna have to keep wearing clothes, alas.
Sorry about the planned booty call not working, Erin.
Congrats, Kristin! How very exciting!
Gonna go get bagels now, then unpack unpack unpack.
I have pondered the laundry by the pound, but I do have washer/dryer in teh building (though they require quarters!) and usually I just suck it up and go, figuring taking the laundry somewhere else would require nearly as much work.
OK. It's almost 10AM. I need to pack, and clean my house. And check when I have to leave here to catch teh bus to the airport. I think around 2pm. Um.
we've dropped $50-60 on laundry. There are few other things that I feel are worth it. (food and drink being exceptions)
Or you can divide the difference. Drop off half, and wash the other half yourself.
Gonna go get bagels now, then unpack unpack unpack.
So much more fun than pack pack pack.
OK, Imma get busy on my chores and laundry now.
t Random
Oooh. Wool cape on sale. I point this out in the spirit of civic-minded helpfulness, already myself having (a) a swirly black cape and (b) Too Much Debt and therefore being completely unable to take advantage of this, but it seems that some Bitch somewhere should snag one of these.
t /Random