I can see the frustration of knowing that by "something to drink" you meant "Dr. Pepper" and your back hurts and you can't go get it yourself and that just makes erverything harder. But, yeah, not really his fault.
Of course, I spent a couple of hours yesterday totally pissed at DH because I had to go move things out of the old place while being attacked by cramps and fatigue, and not only was that not his fault it wasn't anyone's fault, but I had to point that anger at someone. Fortunately, I could channel all that into fueling the physical exertion, and by the time we were done no one was mad at anyone.
So, um, my point was...outlets for frustration other than spouses are good.
But 85 is too fucking hot to endure without AC.
Missouri summers would kill y'all.
I grew up in Alabama, remember? But the only places I've ever lived without AC are Seattle and Bristol. And I'm angling for a window unit once we buy the house, just so I'll be able to sleep in comfort during our rare bouts of 80's and 90's.
But 85 is too fucking hot to endure without AC.
Aren't you from the South? Aren't people from the South supposed to give a withering stare to someone who thinks that 85 is impossibly hot? The same look I give to native Californians who tell me 30 degrees is cold (after I lived in Buffalo for 8 years)?
The same look I give to native Californians who tell me 30 degrees is cold (after I lived in Buffalo for 8 years)?
6 years in Montreal and 9 in Michigan. 30 degrees is
too cold.
Unless you mean centigrade.
The key word is "without AC." And I've always hated hot weather, though I tolerated it better back when I lived where we had months of it every year.
Missouri summers would kill y'all.
Heat in Seattle is harder to deal with than hotter heat in places that are set up for it. It's a thing.
Can I ask for a little favor from the universe? I know I've used up an awful lot the last week, but I'd really like one more.
Could people stop making "little clerical errors" that REALLY FUCK UP MY LIFE???
Turns out this job doesn't come with health insurance.
Oh, shit, vw. That sucks. Did they explain to you how the mistake happened?
Did they explain to you how the mistake happened?
The person I'm replacing has health insurance, so the girl that interviewed me assumed I would, so she told me so. Well, it turns out that he's working 25 hours a week (over the 20-hour minimum), and since I'm only working 15 (under the 20-hour minimum), I'm not eligible.