The unicorn goofiness lead me to discover the new-to-me Oblivious by shalott, which I don't think has been linked to here previously.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I guess I just assume that everyone in the world reads her LJ. Oblivious is one of my favorites of hers.
It's quite, quite good. And slash that I could actually see happening in canon if circumstances worked out right.
Also one of my favorite ending lines in any fic, ever.
I was going to mention the ending line. Also the girlfriend in a coma line, which cracks me up every time.
I was pointed today to a new Atlantis WiP by an extremely polished writer: it's called Refraction and it's here: [link]
Gen, longish, quantum mirrors. Looks promising, and she says it's mostly done, should be finished within the week.
Shalott just complimented me! I'm all verklempt.
How can I find Shalott's HP fic? There's an archive of slash fic that lists her Harry/Draco stuff, but the link is broken.
Her page is