How I've missed the Nikita crackfic -- bless you, Dana, for wading through that again.
One quick question for you all. If someone had a short gen bit of Deadwood fic written, where could she post it (other than in her own LJ)? All the Deadwood communitites/archives sites I've found so far are slash-oriented.
Hmm. I asked my Deadwood-fan friend, and she doesn't know.
If you post a question about it in your LJ, I'd be happy to try and direct people your way.
Thanks, Dana!
And now I'm signing off for the day. Must do actual work.
I meant to ask this a while back and was reminded by thequestion in Boxed Set about what ZPM means.
I've read several stories where the author writes ZedPM. Sometimes it's when Rodney is talking and sometimes when there isn't dialouge. I alway feel thrown when I see "ZedPM" during his dialouge bits, I know that's what he says but it irks me. Is it just me that gets irked by this?
Irked? Dude, "ZedPM" is the right way to call these things.
t bursts into a spontaneous rendition of O Canada
Yeah, but it's sort of like spelling out an accent. We know Rodney pronounces "Z" as "zed". It's not actually written that way, is it?
I'm suddenly suspicious of all British and Canadian people. Do you go around writing out "zed"?
It's the correct verbal rendering, but spelling it out is unnecessary. Yeah, that would be irritating.
Oh, you mean fanfic writers spelling out ZedPM in fic. (Which obviously was what askye meant now that I've stopped having a brain-farty overly-patriotic moment and actually read her post.) Yeah, that's kind of irksome.