Advance warning, before I format posts and whatnot -- PolyRecs just updated.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
At last, good news!
Well, I did finally break 3000 today. Couldn't write at all until now.
shrift, I'd be delighted for a set if you have the third still available.
Yay! Polyrecs! Such a treasure trove. I use it to dive back into older fandoms a lot, when I'm not sure where to start.
I do have one left, esse! Email your address?
you betcha.
I'm thrilled going through the November polyrecs. You both always manage to find something(s) I haven't read, even when I'm neck-deep in a fandom.
Speaking of, alethia finished her brilliant Generation Kill/The West Wing fic, with Vice President Fick -- sort of an alternate version of an older, equally brilliant story. It gave me all the feels. Highly recommend.
Worthy of Trust and Confidence [link]
"Mr. Vice President, I believe you might be familiar with Special Agent Colbert."
The world stilled.
And in walked Brad. Black suit. Black tie. Perfect.
and the earlier one:
The Loyal Opposition [link]
"Brad Colbert, Christ-Killer."
"Ainsley Seaborn, Blond Republican Sex Kitten."
Definitely made the week somewhat less shitty.
Ha, I've got Worthy of Trust and Confidence open in a tab right now, but I've been having trouble with focusing this week for some strange reason.
Will mail DVDs sometime this week, definitely by Friday.
Okay! I start source review for Yuletide tomorrow. Definitely.
This is my plan, as well. Except either tonight or Wednesday.
I mean, I have ideas, but I need to make sure they actually work.
I'm going to a write-in on Friday so I should really start my canon review tonight.
I can't believe I'm complaining about this, but why is it that the people who write het for *Man of Steel* fandom do it so badly? Lois/Clark is pretty much as strong a OTP as I have regarding fanfiction, but all the good writers are slashing him with Batman instead.