Okay! I start source review for Yuletide tomorrow. Definitely.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
This is my plan, as well. Except either tonight or Wednesday.
I mean, I have ideas, but I need to make sure they actually work.
I'm going to a write-in on Friday so I should really start my canon review tonight.
I can't believe I'm complaining about this, but why is it that the people who write het for *Man of Steel* fandom do it so badly? Lois/Clark is pretty much as strong a OTP as I have regarding fanfiction, but all the good writers are slashing him with Batman instead.
I just started reviewing source for Yuletide, uh, yesterday. Oops?
Is it at least a quickly-reviewable source? I started writing yesterday.
I have about 200 words. But a general plan.
Reasonably quick. I have a story idea and notes, so the situation isn't dire yet.
Matt, I have no idea. But I've found that het pairings that would be really interesting tend to be written really poorly by about 90% of fandom. This is a pain I feel often. I don't recognize the female half of the pairing most of the time.
I have reviewed canon about three times, I have over 6600 words written, I'm still fighting off bears.
Thus, I am spending my days in Yulechat and doing word wars. I had fewer than 4k written yesterday morning!
Usually it's not a problem, as I'm more than fine with reading m/m for most characters. But I can no more enjoy slashy fic of Clark Kent than of my dad.
But I can no more enjoy slashy fic of Clark Kent than of my dad.
My first fic fandom involving Clark Kent was Smallville, so m/m including him is definitely not a problem for me.
Mmmmmmm, Lex.