I always associated "hoo-ha" with the female genitalia, not the male.
Dude. Was that what Al Pacino was howling about in "Scent of a Woman"? I never knew. I better go brush up on my hooch slang.
On a more felicitatious fanfic note, the multiverse 2005 story authors have been revealed! [link]
I'm not at all surprised that my favorite story of the bunch, Ekphugion (BSG/Miles Vorkosigan), was written by Shaye. Damn, that girl is talented.
Wasn't that the Mary Louise Parker thing in Boys on the Side? And Whoopi Goldberg chanted "cunt" at her in an attempt to loosen her up some?
I think...though I've not seen that movie in a long time.
Hoo-ha is more vagina than penis, but not much of either.
shrift, you still around? I have sent you porn.
(Sorry for abusing the thread, but I'm not caught up in Natter and avoiding last night's TV spoilers.)
Oh, the thread really loves it.
shrift, you still around? I have sent you porn.
You say porn, and I appear. It's like magic! Or possibly stalking.
Nikita started to touch Michael’s ‘hoo-ha’
I have had a very bad day, and then I saw this, and it made me laugh. So you have definitely done your good deed for the day, Dana. Hoo-ha! *snicker*
The unicorn goofiness lead me to discover the new-to-me Oblivious by shalott, which I don't think has been linked to here previously.
I guess I just assume that everyone in the world reads her LJ. Oblivious is one of my favorites of hers.