I rec this Jessica Jones/ Bucky Barnes crossover by MsBrooklyn. Have not seen Jessica Jones or Civil Wars, so can't vouch for whether character voice rings true or not. But is very well done. It is both a romance (pretty much porn free) and good case-fic. The writer does a first rate job of showing the parallels between the brokeness of Jones and Barnes, and makes a convincing case that they can help each other not so much heal as live with that brokeness a little. 15 year old Peter Parker/Spidey is also in it; he is portrayed a bit too treacly for my tastes, not good for my diabetes. With that one caveat, it is a damn good fic. "Have you met miss Jones?" [link]
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I enjoyed the story, Gar. Thanks for the rec.
(Also, sorely tempted to post my Firefly/Farscape crossover...)
so, sorely tempted to post my Firefly/Farscape crossover
Doit! Doit!
OMG, y'all, Sherilyn Kenyon is suing Cassie Clare.
ooh Did Cassie rip her off too?
Apparently the Mortal Instruments stuff has a similar premise to her 90s Dark Hunters novels, and the marketing push that rebranded it as Shadowhunters for the new TV series was close enough to cause confusion.
Official-ish article: [link]
The ONTD post, which is a combination of "Aren't most generic crappy YA novels kind of identical anyway" and "Finally! Burn the witch!": [link]
I think it was Cassandra Claire (but I may be wrong) who had a fanfic story where every line (or almost every) of dialouge was ripped from a tv show, movie, or book. There was stuff from Red Dwarf and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all kinds of things. Not obscure quotes either but recognizable ones.
Someone found it and there were claims of "oh I must have just heard them and absorbed it and not realized it" and then later a author's note about how it was a "Game" for her readers to find the quotes and she listed the sources.