It's worth full retail, even. I feel I should request Scrivener as a fandom for Yuletide.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I feel I should request Scrivener as a fandom for Yuletide.
You really should, considering how evangelical you are about it.
However, Scrivener deserves that level of evangelical devotion. It is AMAZING.
ION, in Fandom Trends Make No Sense To Me, almost kitchen curtains -level schmoopy fic about Furiosa and Max and their TRU LUV post Citadel takeback. I don't get it. At all. I don't understand how other people get there.
How is scrivener for non-fiction. With all the great note taking, can it do simple endnotes, footnotes and crossreference?
Apparently excellent, but I've never used it for that.
ION, in Fandom Trends Make No Sense To Me, almost kitchen curtains -level schmoopy fic about Furiosa and Max and their TRU LUV post Citadel takeback. I don't get it. At all. I don't understand how other people get there.
Yeah, me neither, but then again, I don't really do schmoop and don't really get it to start with, which I feel is something of a personal flaw. That said, In Fury Road, I am doubleplusbaffled.
I'm only hitting the longfics so I really haven't come across that, but tags that make me boggle include Cheedo/Slit. There was a good gen one that treated Fury Road as a continuation of the Myth of Max, where Tom Hardy's character grew up on the legends (as the Feral Child) and took the name for himself, and had his own family and trauma.
Also, while I respect the honesty of tagging "old fic reworked into a new fandom", you get an automatic skip.
I've found one Fury Road AU that works for me. It combines elements from the first Mad Max movie with Furiosa as a guardian of a battered women's shelter/small town mechanic. It's hot, but Furiosa kicks butt throughout.
Also, while I respect the honesty of tagging "old fic reworked into a new fandom", you get an automatic skip.
The reworked story (which really was reworked and different and decent) was in SPN, and I was curious about the story they'd reworked and... yeah.
Archive of Journey RPF. This is pre-AO3.
I've determined, because really, all I think about is writing these days, as thinking is easier than doing at times, that I find it much harder to, in 3rd limited present tense with a male POV, use the character name than I do in 3rd limited present with a female POV. I have no actual conclusions about this, and while I haven't done a lot of 3rd limited past tense from a male POV recently (I've done... about 300 words of it in one timestamp in my research folder), it doesn't appear to be a problem in there.
It mostly just struck me as weird.
Of course, wow, writing longform, you learn a lot about your writing tics.
I will mention one more time before offering them up to the internet at large: I have two copies of last year's VVC DVD set. Does anyone need one?
Plei, it was an oldish comment, probably. Maybe on a Darcy/Steve married in Vegas fic? I can't remember.