By the way, that was great Sail. I was coming here to rec that as well without knowing it was you.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
That's hilarious, Typo! Thanks for putting a word in.
I'll have to take a look at Below. I had it marked for later, but my marked for later list gets so long I lose fics constantly. I've downloaded it now so I can load it up to my Kindle.
If you like Neverwhere/Sherlock TV crossovers, and haven't found them already, there's a couple more really good ones:
Above, Below (Through the Cracks) by doodle.
The Riddle by AxeMeAboutAxinomancy. She even throws in a gratuitous Sherlock from the ACD canon.
They're both slash, so if that's not your thing, you can bypass them.
I had to laugh when Watson shouted "Bullocks!" In the current fic I'm reading. Maybe if it was Al Swearengen saying it, it might work. Or someone who hates Sandra's entire family.
I have a hard time not back-buttoning out of fics where I run across things like that. I figure that the author is an American who doesn't have a clue about British slang, and is either a) too lazy to find out what it should be, or b) don't bother to find a Brit-picker. One or the other! It's not hard; it's called research.
thinks fondly of the days where every fucking Dark Angel fic seemed to involve jumpers and car parks, bless.
So I'm at almost 32k with the Push fic now. Today, I added project targets in Scrivener. I really, really want to finish the story so I can go work on something totally unrelated. In a totally different fandom. A fandom containing more than the approximately five people in Push fandom.
I think I set my goal date for finishing at two months after I started. Which probably isn't too bad for a novel-length piece, though my writing speed's been cut in half because of employment.
You know, I'm actually over 32k. I forgot I have a few handwritten pages to type in.
I should go do that now.
Also... how am I in this fandom again? I feel like my brain owes me an explanation. And a stiff drink.
Typo, SpinnerDolphin wishes me to convey thanks for rec'ing "Below". I left a rather enthusiastic comment after reading it.
SpinnerDolphin is a damn good writer. Everthing ze does is well written. I guess I should join AO9 so I can leave comments.
Need an invitation code, Typo? Let me kmow.
I just had the briefest of ficish thoughts re: Terry Pratchett and the Buffy-verse:
"You were supposed to fix him!"
"He said no!"
"When the hell did that ever stop us!"
"It's Terry Pratchett!"
"Where the hell am I going to get new Granny Weatherwax stories now?"
Raises a glass.