The only non-AO3 one I have is A Little Small Talk, A Little Smile
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Blasphemer. There is no Dark Angel but Dark Angel.
Well, OK. It fills the same sort of secondary fandom hole as Dark Angel. Actually, you're largely right. There is no Dark Angel but Dark Angel.
I mean, Dark Angel filled a hole during the period of time where I was mainly doing Supernatural gen fic. Ship Almost All the Things! Canon Queer Characters! Post-Apocalyptic Goodness!
Push... I do not see how there was a fannish hole in my life. I have the MCU. I am so, so, SO Ship All the Things (except for Tony). I have Sam! I have Natasha! I have Rhodey! I have Nick! I have Steve! I have Maria! I have Bruce! I even have a Clint! I have Howard! I HAVE SO MUCH PEGGY THAT MY HEART OVERFLOWS AND IT BECOMES COMICAL!
But apparently, there may have been one? Hell if I know. All I know is, I watched it thinking, "eh, might as well, it's cheap." and then promptly read EVERYTHING I could find in the fandom that fit my needs, no matter the language, and then was so fucking excited that there were stories for it in Yuletide again that I went and read EVERYTHING AGAIN. Except the stuff in French on I didn't re-read that.
And my brain comes up with so many ways to do horrible things to the characters because of the fact that fandom has fucking FAILED to do it. I mean, damn, fandom. Don't make my brain do this. My brain already got stuck on, "Why is there no fuck or die in this fandom?" and doesn't need to go to "A really effective way for Division to keep its power would be to send some Carver-level Pushers in to make the characters do things to their allies that are fucking awful then remove that push and then just let them fall apart." and then sexualize it.
And I can rec a Sherlock/Push fusion, if you're interested
Kinda curious.
[link] there's my underused Pinboard account. Mostly, I've been doing AO3 bookmarks, and mostly, failing to even do that much. Gotta get back in the habit.
Found it! The Wartime 'Verse [link]
And now I feel like a moron as it's the same author as Reach The Sea.
juliana, I'm glad you enjoyed Roses of Picardy. It really is a gem.
Plei, here's the series: Push!verse by Lindentreeisle. It's unfinished, unfortunately, and I doubt it'll ever be finished as the last installment was posted Sept. 2011.
Weirdly I think Agent Carter becoming a series has almost completely negated my urge to seek MCU fic - I'm getting almost everything I need on that front right on my TV screen, even if there's not any new interaction between Peggy and Steve. (Well, having had my fill of Tony Stark for this lifetime probably contributes too.)
Weirdly I think Agent Carter becoming a series has almost completely negated my urge to seek MCU fic - I'm getting almost everything I need on that front right on my TV screen, even if there's not any new interaction between Peggy and Steve. (Well, having had my fill of Tony Stark for this lifetime probably contributes too.)
Yeah, I suspect you're not the target audience for the Peggy Carter rebound femslash brigade.
the Peggy Carter rebound femslash brigade
Can't wait for the t-shirt!
And my brain comes up with so many ways to do horrible things to the characters because of the fact that fandom has fucking FAILED to do it.
Oh, the hours upon hours of chat!
Jilli, I'll post a few Hannigram (yes, that is the stupid portmanteau, and no they do not spell Graham correctly) stories shortly!
Oh, the hours upon hours of chat!
I dunno. Maybe they're all so skeeved by what they came out of the movie futureshipping? Possibly? Which is legit, 'cause so did I, but hey. There is nothing about that universe that is not vaguely creepy, so roll with it, peeps!
There is often an unfortunate trend with that kind of media to downplay it in fic. A lot of people aren't comfortable writing/reading/thinking about it.
For example, probably the creepiest thing I ever wrote was a Luther story where Alice Morgan kidnaps Ripley just before going to his death, and keeps him on a leash (a chemical rather than canine one) "for his own protection" because she thinks Luthor would prefer him alive. And even fans of Luther barely touched it. The kudos to hit count is hilariously uneven.
I didn't even know I had that level of creeper in me, but I still love that story.
But it's so much fun to explore! People used to do it a lot in Supernatural (at least in gen fic, though the subgenre of demon possession Wincest, AKA the only kind I'd read, existed at least), but I haven't read there in ages, so I don't know if it's still a thing.
Link to the Luther story?
I think, also, that there's been a chilling effect over the five or so years where Tumblr culture's risen to prominence, as an increasingly frequent complaint I see is that consumers seem to have difficulty with the whole concept that writing about something problematic or awful isn't the same thing as endorsing it. I mean, we're back on the argument of no one should write or consume non-con, because only horrible people support rape culture like that! again.
The drawerfic I wrote between 2010 and 2014? Pretty much comfortable writing, not wanting to deal with posting and the headaches around that.
The worst thing I ever wrote and posted was that Willow/Snyder rapefic that has since been locked down and will probably never see the light of day again.
(I wrote it to prove that I could, in fact, write something with no redeeming value.)