Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
My Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. OTP is Ward with May's heels, fists, or blunt objects held therein.
Thanks to Sebastian Stan's performance in Captain America the only guy I can ship Steve with is Bucky (seriously, I got the feeling he'd have been happier ditching their dates and letting Steve give him his send off the night before he shipped out), and it's a credit to Peggy that I don't cross her off the list.
RDJ has irritated me enough that I don't want his characters slashed with anyone. No cock for you!
I'm pretty grand on most things in the MCU. It's kind of an open door for me. But I like best Steve/Bucky(+Peggy as feasible), Tony/Pepper/Bruce in any functional combination, and Darcy/convince me.
I do get the Steve/Tony from 616, 'cause the gay is strong with that one, but while I enjoyed it in the context of pre-Winter Soldier MCU I got stuck like a broken record on Steve/Bucky. The only thing that broke the spell from April was falling back into Middle-Earth, where I am now mired in these six-figure-word count stories that range from the epic to extensive descriptions of tea service.
Sigh, Ward. What a miserable use of the character.
Steve/Tony/Pepper makes me very happy.
I keep finding myself reading fic where I have only sketchy knowledge of the source materials. I'll see gif sets or fan art on tumblr and then get intrigued. For example The Losers, I did watch part of it, got annoyed, stopped watching. But then ended up reading every good or decent story on AO3 (and some bad ones) before I watched the movie again.
Or Psych. I've watched some of it. And I like a certain characterization of Shawn/Lassiter but I don't know the show well enough to know if it's accurate. All I end up doing is comparing the characterizations based on the various stories.
I read tons of Sherlock before I watched the show (probably why I'm not bothered by Mycroft/Lestrade). And then there are times when I think, surely someone has written a bunch of stuff for {insert source here} and there's 2 stories on AO3. Maybe I could find more if I could stick out, but I always wind up with the annoying bad fic, not the fun bad fic.
My personal rant is the fucking Modern AU. The fandom I'm most likely to read at the moment is Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire (the sourece books), and Every Fucking Author writes Modern AU. And I just don't get it. The universe is the whole damn point of the thing. The characters are so profoundly of their world that they cease to be themselves in significant ways if you move them to a modern setting.
That is my rant.
Unless Jules or Gus are involved, 99% of Shawn/Lassie is gonna be OOC like whoa.
Shawn and Gus, on the other hand, are basically the most married.
Those drive me crazy, Debet.
Debet I keep seeing those too and I don't get it. At all.
PMM- I figured they were pretty OOC. But since I'm mostly reading it for the fanon I'm okay with it.
Hawaii 5-0 is another show I started watching because of the fic (I browse tags a lot in AO3 looking for things with a lot of kudos or bookmarks or hits and if it's a particular thing I'll read almost any fandom just to get a story). H50 is not my favoritest show but I'm on the second disc and people comment about Steve and Danny being married quite a bit. Plus I like Kono. I haven't watched enough but I figure most of what I'm reading is OOC for them as well.
My personal rant is the fucking Modern AU
Penny Dreadful modern coffee shop AU. I just tilt my head at the description like an epically confused golden retriever. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?
I read Steve/Tony and Clint/Coulson, because of Scifigrl47. It is all her fault.
My hardcore, kill-it-with-fire NOTP is Waycest in bandom. GERARD AND MIKEY ARE NOT THOSE SORTS OF BROTHERS.
Scifigrl47. It is all her fault.