No, the one on my flist just keeps posting Skye/Ward recs, as if she hasn't noticed the show deep sixed her ship. It's pretty profound cognitive dissonance, IMO.
'Time Bomb'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
No, the one on my flist just keeps posting Skye/Ward recs, as if she hasn't noticed the show deep sixed her ship. It's pretty profound cognitive dissonance, IMO.
Yeah, mine too.
It's a NOTP for me (I have a strong desire to see Ward shot from a cannon on the occasions when I tune into the show, so I only ship him with, like, cannons or man-eating sharks), but if I've learned one thing from comics, relationship deep sixing is about as permanent as death, so I guess I can kind of see where they're coming from? Except for the shipping it part. That I don't get.
But, you know, don't get the appeal of Stony. So. Hey.
Who's the St in Stony? Obadiah Stane?
My current NOTP is Twelfth Doctor/Clara. The guy is touch-shy, big-time. He absolutely and deeply loves Clara, but not in a shippy way.
(on the other hand, Twelve/Missy, YES, because Missy loves messing with him.)
Steve Rogers
I'll take all the Stony off of your hands! I'm not reading as much of it right now, but it's still one of my primary OTPs. I'm all sad that after Winter Soldier, most of the Stony writers abandoned ship and got on the Steve/Bucky (Sucky!) ship.
Who's the St in Stony? Obadiah Stane?
That I probably would read, for shits and giggles.
Oh no, it's Steve Rogers. In addition to being an annoying portmanteau, it's a ship with no grounding in the MCU at all, and one I don't especially care for in 616 even where it DOES make sense in that they've actually been friends for years and stuff. (But, you know, I feel that 616 Tony deserved so many metal arm cock punches it's not even funny. I know people who feel he was right in Civil War, and I'm all.. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT???" though the only people in Civil War I really felt for were Jessica and Luke. So.)
it's a ship with no grounding in the MCU at all
Did you SEE that scene in Avengers? Trust me, there was plenty of grounding for that ship. In my pants.
No need for a portmanteau, though.
Steve/Tony is a huge, huge NOTP for me. MCU!Tony with anyone but Pepper and/or Rhodey is a NOTP. Octopus noping out levels of NOTP.
Steve/Bucky, though? Hells yes. Steve/Bucky/Peggy? All of the yes.
I'm all sad that after Winter Soldier, most of the Stony writers abandoned ship and got on the Steve/Bucky (Sucky!) ship.
Heh, that's where I find the bulk of the WOOPS! I REPLACED THE LISTED PAIRING WITH FOLGERS STONY! AHAHAHA! BET YOU DIDN'T NOTICE, SUCKA! (Yes, yes I noticed, writer. I have added you to my list of writer I will never read again, thank you kindly.)
And the character assassination stories regarding Bucky. And other shit involving Sam that would just get me angry to even type about, though the wank storm was blown out of proportion.
In the MCU, I am basically Team Ship All The Things with a handful of exceptions. Steve/Tony is my no-fly zone, though. I've tried. I've challenged it! I've gone, "Welp, this is practically a bulletproof kink!" and then had to back out because, nope.
My other exceptions are, like, 99% of the Clint/Natasha, because the amount of OOC shit makes my eyes roll out of my head, and anything with Darcy where I don't already know and trust the writer for similar reasons.
I also don't really read most Steve/Peggy, because I am so in love with their epic doomed romance that I don't WANT fix-it fic! I'm all heart eyes about their tragedy, damn it!
Did you SEE that scene in Avengers? Trust me, there was plenty of grounding for that ship. In my pants.
Yep. My pants were not moved.
Steve/Tony is a huge, huge NOTP for me. MCU!Tony with anyone but Pepper and/or Rhodey is a NOTP. Octopus noping out levels of NOTP.
Same, except my and/or includes Bruce. And I think I've read that foursome. Err.