Steve/Tony is a huge, huge NOTP for me. MCU!Tony with anyone but Pepper and/or Rhodey is a NOTP. Octopus noping out levels of NOTP.
Steve/Bucky, though? Hells yes. Steve/Bucky/Peggy? All of the yes.
Glory ,'Potential'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Steve/Tony is a huge, huge NOTP for me. MCU!Tony with anyone but Pepper and/or Rhodey is a NOTP. Octopus noping out levels of NOTP.
Steve/Bucky, though? Hells yes. Steve/Bucky/Peggy? All of the yes.
I'm all sad that after Winter Soldier, most of the Stony writers abandoned ship and got on the Steve/Bucky (Sucky!) ship.
Heh, that's where I find the bulk of the WOOPS! I REPLACED THE LISTED PAIRING WITH FOLGERS STONY! AHAHAHA! BET YOU DIDN'T NOTICE, SUCKA! (Yes, yes I noticed, writer. I have added you to my list of writer I will never read again, thank you kindly.)
And the character assassination stories regarding Bucky. And other shit involving Sam that would just get me angry to even type about, though the wank storm was blown out of proportion.
In the MCU, I am basically Team Ship All The Things with a handful of exceptions. Steve/Tony is my no-fly zone, though. I've tried. I've challenged it! I've gone, "Welp, this is practically a bulletproof kink!" and then had to back out because, nope.
My other exceptions are, like, 99% of the Clint/Natasha, because the amount of OOC shit makes my eyes roll out of my head, and anything with Darcy where I don't already know and trust the writer for similar reasons.
I also don't really read most Steve/Peggy, because I am so in love with their epic doomed romance that I don't WANT fix-it fic! I'm all heart eyes about their tragedy, damn it!
Did you SEE that scene in Avengers? Trust me, there was plenty of grounding for that ship. In my pants.
Yep. My pants were not moved.
Steve/Tony is a huge, huge NOTP for me. MCU!Tony with anyone but Pepper and/or Rhodey is a NOTP. Octopus noping out levels of NOTP.
Same, except my and/or includes Bruce. And I think I've read that foursome. Err.
Science Bros 4-eva.
Steve/Sam has become such an OTP for me that it kind of ruined any other Steve pairings for me, even Steve/Bucky.
That said, I LOVE some one-sided Steve/Bucky pining (one-sided either direction).
I don't have strong feelings most ways about the MCU ships. They can be togeher in different ways or all together. I do like the ones where Steve plays all innocent but really isn't. There was a Steve/Tony one like that.
I have read something that was Stane/Tony but it was previous relationship that was really abusive.
There have been 2 fics I've read (MCU fics) where I just couldn't stomach them. One I was reading and going... you know this can't get any more distur--oh and we did. So I scrolled down to read the comments which were a few "This is great" but mostly "WHY??" and also "Not antatomically possible AT ALL!" and the author was rather defensive because she did put warnings. If there is anything more of A NOPE NOPE NOPE than the Nope Octopus that would have been me.
The other was Steve/Tony/Clint with sexually experienced and kinky Steve (which I like) but it veered quickly inot beastality territory and I just backed out and tried to remember the name of the story so I wouldn't click it. I didn't want to bookmark it.
Is there a way on AO3 to mark something NEVER READ THIS AGAIN!
I have read a LOT of Steve/Sam/Bucky/Nat. (And Steve/Sam/Bucky, and Steve/Bucky/Nat.)
Solves all the problems right there.
Is there a way on AO3 to mark something NEVER READ THIS AGAIN!
I wish. It would stop my hate read of a certain story.
I read all the Steve/Howard one night. I was sad that there wasn't more, and that there wasn't BETTER Steve/Howard. Because, apparently, that I'd totally read.
And a break from MCU Fic. I saw this on Tumblr and it's a very lovely Leverage vid. Seanan McGuire reblogged it so some of you may have seen it.
It does something that's normally not my thing AT ALL. Which is use dialouge from the movie in the vid, normally I think of this as sloppy vidding. You pick a song, you use the lyrics and the editing to tell the story. However, in this, the dialouge pretty much becomes lyrics (lyrics that don't rhyme). Aslo the music is instrumental rather than being a song with lyrics so you don't have a vidder having dialouge over the bridge or muting the lyrics for the dialouge.
I will also say it brought me to tears partly because of Leverage but also because of the theme of family and finding your place and with ita... well it hit home on many levels.
I have a strong desire to see Ward shot from a cannon on the occasions when I tune into the show, so I only ship him with, like, cannons or man-eating sharks
Hahahaha. This is where I am. Well, OK, I am kinda enjoying dead-eyed sociopath Ward in S2 in a love-to-hate-him kinda way. My top two moments in the entire AoS so far were 1) when May literally nailed his foot to the ground and throat-punched him to silence and 2) when Skye didn't even blink when she shot the hell out of him ("SHOOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD!" I yelled.) But pairing him romantically with Skye, especially given his EXTREMELY creepy obsession with her? So much flesh-crawling, gah!
The one my Flist isn't actually delusional enough to think Ward is a misunderstood woobie, but she's still talking nonstop about how hot he is and how much feels she has about Skye/Ward and their beautifully messed-up epic love and how she's convinced that these two would be endgame (BTW, if I never hear the word "endgame" for the rest of my fannish life, it will be too soon) and I just cannot handle that much flinching, yo. I mean, I know people ship what they ship for myriad different reasons, but oy vey.
I am totally neutral on most MCU ships (except I cannot handle anything that breaks up Tony/Pepper) but I am tentatively intrigued by the hints of Natasha/Bruce they keep teasing in Age of Ultron trailers. Natasha and Bruce were my favourite characters in the first Avengers movie in a way that had nothing to do with shipping, but depending on how they handle it, they can win me over to that camp (although being me, I'd prefer everything to remain subtextual.)