That's sad, but you didn't leave somebody hanging.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I was worried I'd have to default on one of my DCBB authors, so I know the fear of letting people down. But I pulled out both decent and my most popular AO3 art post, so I'm okay with the despair I entertained. But I feel for people who couldn't. It's real.
I also achieved a Yuletide draft and posted the thing tonight! Which is good, because I'm getting on a train on Friday and pretty much won't have internet again until the 28th.
Yeah, we've started to get tags from Yuletide fics. Some of which we can't figure out what to do with until they go live.
Which is awfully exciting, as a reader.
Oh, that sounds fun, Debet! What kinds of things are you getting (if you can share)?
The rest of my week is Yuletide. I am a horrible slacker. As usual.
Last year was weird, because I got it done early, but I think I wanted to step the fuck away from Broadchurch.
Of course, then I wrote a second story to go with the first. ::handwaves::
In my own bins, just a character who we aren't sure whether it's a canonical character given a family name that she would have canonically married into, but did not use in the story or...someone else. But there are...whispers of a shadow growing in the archive. A nameless fear spawning tags in small fandoms, the dark places in the archive where wranglers rarely need go.
Or something like that.
And there there's the Hot Pie/Santa Claus tag that's been sitting on a draft for a month. Which, if GoT/ASoIaF were not too large a fandom for it to be a Yuletide fic, I would totally guess that that is what it is.
juliebird, have you tried sherlock_search on LJ for that Sherlock BBC story? You may get a hit there. I don't think I've bumped into that story, but it does sound interesting!
I love MCU fic, especially Steve/Tony. I also like 616. If anybody is interested, here's my Steve/Tony recs and Stark Spangled Banner recs.
Also, for Sherlock fans (mostly BBC, some Downey, and some ACD), here's my Sherlock/John recs. For a super extensive list of bookmarks categorized by just about everything, check out SwissMiss' bookmark collections on AO3. I'm a huge enabler.
Thanks Sail!
Here is a story I did not know I needed in my life.
A tale of a Barton-Coulson-Romanov caper as told through the blinkered eyes of P.G. Wodehouse's Oldest Member. It's all about the golf. Except when it isn't.
The Widest Golf