What's the fanfic community's position on paying someone NOT to write?
...well, I do know that CousinJean would have probably received a much more positive response if she'd tried that one. Can't see anyone getting C&D orders over that.
'First Date'
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What's the fanfic community's position on paying someone NOT to write?
...well, I do know that CousinJean would have probably received a much more positive response if she'd tried that one. Can't see anyone getting C&D orders over that.
I just had a delayed-reaction snort at the disingenuous penis imagery.
I didn't copy the section where the authors explain that although Michael is a playboy, it's the fault of all the women he's slept with who then broke his heart.
although Michael is a playboy, it's the fault of all the women he's slept with who then broke his heart
Are you absolutely sure the cow-riters aren't both 14?
signed, Wondering What a Cocotte Is, Anyway
I think she was trying for coquette, but didn't worry about the spelling.
Wait, I just checked dictionary.com it means prostitute.
Because whores are all about the fun?
Wait, I just checked dictionary.com it means prostitute.
Are you serious? @@
I still think it's a misspelling of "coquette", but now it's a really funny misspelling.
I didn't think it was a real word either, but I mispelled coquette and cocotee came up as one of the options.
Wait, I just checked dictionary.com it means prostitute.
And here I just thought it was Freedom for an egg dish. I am so sheltered.