Stop running, Steve!
'Dirty Girls'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
A friend of mine on IO9 sent me a link to Avengers porn she'd written, and I managed to lose it. Aargh. She's waiting for my evaluation, because apparently SPN fandom is the ne plus ultra of kink memes, or something.
I don't want to be interested in another fandom, dammit! I haven't read movie-based fic since Inception.
When you answer a message on Tumblr, where does it go? That's where the URL has disappeared to.
This, You Protect
I enjoyed that very much. Thanks for the rec.
It's pretty fun, that one.
That fic was great, and made me crave grilled cheese sandwiches EVEN MORE. How is that possible?
ION, tags I did not expect to see together, and I'm not sure how I feel about: One Direction (band), Addams Family.
That ... that is not my beautiful cake. That is not even the moldering remains of a cake that could have been beautiful. That is possibly an abomination, and not of the awwww, it's so ferocious and growly let's keep it as a pet! sort.
Speaking of fic, NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour did a Small Batch podcast on fanfiction this week, inspired by the publication of that One Direction fic by Simon & Shuster.
Jilli, I assure you I have seen worse, but I shall not torture you with it.
How about a Sherlock/Addams Family crossover, Jilli? It's quite delightful.
The one where John is related to the Addams' clan and Wednesday comes to visit? I love that set of stories.
Do not mention cool stories and then fail to give links, people!