Speaking of fic, NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour did a Small Batch podcast on fanfiction this week, inspired by the publication of that One Direction fic by Simon & Shuster.
'Bring On The Night'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Jilli, I assure you I have seen worse, but I shall not torture you with it.
How about a Sherlock/Addams Family crossover, Jilli? It's quite delightful.
The one where John is related to the Addams' clan and Wednesday comes to visit? I love that set of stories.
Do not mention cool stories and then fail to give links, people!
I don't have the link on my phone, but the story name is "Woe and Arachnids".
Here you go, Connie: Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc. It's a series of three stories, you don't want to miss a single one.
Lovely fic enablers
You would think I'd remember the series name, considering it's inked on my right forearm.
Ahahaha. That's okay, I searched on the title you gave me and then pulled up the series link. I've got it bookmarked on Pinboard, but I've so darn many of them that it's getting almost easier to search AO3.