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Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Inspired by recent episodes...
Oh, nice!
Have I recced This, You Protect yet? It's Bucky POV & a WIP (though the author's doing an awesome job of updating regularly), and it's delightful. Bucky's snarky and obsessed with froofy coffee drinks and working to come to grips with what's happened to him, while also protecting Steve from a distance. I'm quite enjoying it.
I love that story! Bucky arguing with the mission parameters in his head!
Coffee first, dammit.
I feel ya, Bucky.
Stop running, Steve!
A friend of mine on IO9 sent me a link to Avengers porn she'd written, and I managed to lose it. Aargh. She's waiting for my evaluation, because apparently SPN fandom is the ne plus ultra of kink memes, or something.
I don't want to be interested in another fandom, dammit! I haven't read movie-based fic since Inception.
When you answer a message on Tumblr, where does it go? That's where the URL has disappeared to.
This, You Protect
I enjoyed that very much. Thanks for the rec.
It's pretty fun, that one.