And the fic was good. God, was it good.
'Life of the Party'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Schnoogle has some great stories. I like the EasleyWeasley stories (written post-OotP but pre-HBP), which feature more of Dean Thomas and involve more political machinations. Katling has a new post-HBP story WIP which is really excellent so far.
a mother and daughter named Siobhan and Shavonne.
It sounds like a variant on father and son being John and John Jr.
More like a father and son being named John and Jon.
I would, like, automatically, be inclined to think a family where this happened was full of tools. Shallow but true. But I'm the least original character namer on the Earth. My characters are James and Katherine, names like that, mostly. "The Perv" is "The Perv" but his mama named him Brian first.
I think you should all read RagePrufrock's AU fic wherein Rodney follows an exgirlfriend into a stripclub and encounters a snarky bartender/stripper with nancy boy hair gel. And egg her on to write more. 'Cause it's fun.
When sex scenes go bad. Very, very bad.
It was at that moment when Michael should have disengaged from the wanton cocotte, walked away from the flirty blonde and acted like a man and reigned in his lust.
She plucked him out, his experienced rod acting innocent and devoutly unrestrained as she handled it expertly bringing him close to boil.
I think she's getting worse.
Next up: Precious Moments imagery.
I think she's getting worse.
This particular story has a co-writer. That may be to blame.