I should have an opinion on it by the end of the weekend. I tried getting my Mac to read it, and it was just too spooky and distracting. Chose a male voice, though. It's not very good at pronouncing "nonnie", "spnanonhaven", and "livejournal" unfortunately.
I was on spnanonhaven when this particular pearl clutching happened. Image google mythagowood if you have a strong stomach for porn featuring
dripping prolapsed anuses
but when he got his Jared manips printed in an Australian gay mag, JEEZ.
Of all people, of all subjects, but...it's authentic gay male participation in slash, so why should any of the female slash artists expect their experience to be displayed there?
Speaking of artists, not necessarily slash, what fanartists would you recommend? I always start with petite madame and AliceXZ, although she's properly pro now.
I just got a small flurry of favorites on my big Narnia novel, over on FFN. And since that thing was finalized back in 2012 2011, I naturally figured someone must have recced it somewhere.
Turns out, it was the guy who is writing Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Huh.
(Of course, I'm not getting any comments, just hits. It's something, I guess...)
Yudkowsky recced
That's.....interesting. Y'know, I bet it was one of those, "This is a fic that thinks through the implications of it's world better than the source," deals.
Anybody who wants to give me non-AU Winter Soldier fic (such as what happens after the movie ends, etc.) would be awesome.
That's.....interesting. Y'know, I bet it was one of those, "This is a fic that thinks through the implications of it's world better than the source," deals.
Possibly? He doesn't say, and I'm damned if I know where he got the rec, since the hits on that thing have been in dribbles for the last year.
It is nice to get hits, but damn, 800+ hits in the last 48 hours, and no comments at all.
t sulks
I am confused by that man and that website. But I tend to be confused by rationality because I think that not considering emotions is actually irrational because people have emotions. But I did not read too far.
Yeah, I think I tried to read that story once, and gave up shortly into it. It's not that I think that story can't be told, but it's not doing what I usually want when I read HP fic, so I put it down.
What I'd love from Winter Soldier post canon is some Natasha-centric gen. Or low-key Steve/Natasha. She was my favourite thing in the film and there doesn't seem to be much fic about her. I was trolling AO3 for fic then gave up after getting lost in a sea of Steve/Bucky and Steve/Sam (which I totally see good bases for in the movie! It's just not my thing.)
Amy, I have some things bookmarked as recs on AO3.
What mood are you looking for with it?
Angsty, angsty Bucky would be good. Even angsty Steve. Natasha taking care of things. Sex or not, doesn't matter.
I wouldn't mind some let's-work-off-our-stress Sam/Steve, either. Or Natasha/Steve, for that matter.