I have never apologized for a story, not even tongue in cheek. Wait, no, maybe I did, Puppet!Angel on Sesame Street, I blamed someone else for the inspiration.
But if you're antsy about a story and don't think you should post it, don't post it!
'Just Rewards (2)'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I have never apologized for a story, not even tongue in cheek. Wait, no, maybe I did, Puppet!Angel on Sesame Street, I blamed someone else for the inspiration.
But if you're antsy about a story and don't think you should post it, don't post it!
Unless you're sucking it up and doing the brave thing. It's not like you're going to break the archive if your story sucks. Take the risk! I've put pictures out there everyone ignored, and I'm not gonna stop just because I think no one cares or it's not up to the standard of everyone else's pictures (or it's my first in the fandom, or whatever...).
I'm pretty sure there's a " sorry not sorry" canonical, as well as "the author regrets everything" and "the author regrets nothing" and all three of the ones Connie listed.
I'd honestly probably use some of these. I know back in list days (small lists, where people knew each other), I'd totally put in notes like, "IDEK WTF." and such.
I got no quarrel with that, is what I'm saying.
Hell, I've been known to click on stories just because the tags are ridic.
Sometimes, this is even a Good Idea. Not always, but if the SPaG in the tags isn't completely horked, about as often as clicking on anything is a Good Idea.
And I've totally apologized for stories. Sometimes with good reason, but I've got that one locked down to private now.
I'm pretty sure there's a " sorry not sorry" canonical, as well as "the author regrets everything" and "the author regrets nothing" and all three of the ones Connie listed.
Honestly, I am more inclined to read fic with those tags than fic where they have a solid block of tags warning for everything.
My main tag-related gripe is when the tags take up more space on the page than the fic itself.
I don't know about other shows, but SPN has so few surnames that it's all Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), ... that can double the tag length. It's offputting when it's longer than the summary, but until angels adopt patronyms, we're stuck.
I am amused by the gyrations to not call them Milton (fallen angel Anna's birth surname, but do we even know if Anna was her angel name?), or Novak, the name of Castiel's host. Third most popular is Shurley (often spelt Shirley--I'll let Cas pass, but not this--grrr), after the prophet Chuck Shurley. Then we have Godson, Angeles, Krushnik, Collins, and other surnames of the actors which I *hate*.
Yeah, the disambiguation can really add up. Thankfully, right now, I mostly just get Sam Wilson (Marvel).
(The listed fandoms, though, those add up in the MCU. Boy howdy.)
Oh, gods. The SPN people have so much trouble and constant need to coordinate with Abrahamic Religions. It's a whole pile of potential wank that I am glad I am well away from. You don't even want to know about the "Angels are dicks" canonical.
I wrangle Game of Thrones and people keep tagging characters with the family names they have in the story, which is distinctly unhelpful. Because you may mean Arya Stark as a bastard when you use "Arya Snow," but that doesn't mean that the next person who uses it won't have created an original character with that name.
You don't even want to know about the "Angels are dicks" canonical.
Well, Kripke started it!
I'd love to wrangle SPN tags. Where do I apply?
Every once in a while, Ao3 puts out a call for wrangler volunteers, usually looking for specific fandoms, but once you're in, you can volunteer for additional faondoms when a need arises (which is how I got on GoT/ASoIaF)