You don't even want to know about the "Angels are dicks" canonical.
Well, Kripke started it!
I'd love to wrangle SPN tags. Where do I apply?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
You don't even want to know about the "Angels are dicks" canonical.
Well, Kripke started it!
I'd love to wrangle SPN tags. Where do I apply?
Every once in a while, Ao3 puts out a call for wrangler volunteers, usually looking for specific fandoms, but once you're in, you can volunteer for additional faondoms when a need arises (which is how I got on GoT/ASoIaF)
Where do they put out the calls? On their pages? I've never noticed one, and cleaning up tags--well, they're about the only things I'm tidy about. I love tagging.
they made there way to the street where dean hauled a cab
Sometimes I'm really tempted to draw some of these misspellings. If only it weren't so massively rude. Maybe drawer-art.
Possibly the OTW mailing list. I'm not sure.
My new favorite fanfic line:
Small beads of blood perturbed from Sam’s cock
I don't have any idea what the author was trying to say -- protruded? -- and I don't care.
Now I'm perturbed. I think. I'm not protruding.
I really do like having tags it makes it easier to skim through stories, especially when I'm randomly searching through tags just to see what's up.
But there there are some people who OVER TAG. Seriously I found one story with over 100 tags. I stopped counting, and most of them were doubles. Male Slash, slash, the pairings, the characters names, the characters names with the fandom listed, the type of POV listed three times, Alternate Universe listed three different ways.
And then there are the random phrases or the "apologies" like "don't blame me!" or "this just happened" "I don't even know!" "This turned into something else".
One of the most useless tags I've seen was "Can't tag for this, it's a spoiler" followed by "Can't tag for that either".
Stop being witty and just don't tag for it.
LJ has a way to spoiler cover tags, right? I appreciate when someone says they'll put them in the notes. At least they're trying, because some stuff is...I'm not going to claim triggery, but why ruin an experience and generate dislike towards yourself?
I'd also love to see exercises in third party tagging. I'm assuming wranglers only read tags and normalise them, right, Debet?
Which reminds me--what does "freeform" mean? Sometimes they seem like normal tags, and I'm never sure if it will show up when I do a tag search. Which I do more and more. I'm getting moody as fuck.
Is the OTW newsletter intrusive? Can anyone sign up?
Stop being witty and just don't tag for it.
I hate coy tags.