If it had been an incomplete story that I'd really enjoyed, I would happily read a summary of how it ended up and a few scenes. It's nice to have that closure.
'Objects In Space'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I just got another deeply insane comment over at AO3. Is something in the air lately?
(Nothing bad, just someone being extraordinarily literal.)
I posted a bunch of short pieces of fic (mostly 5-Things pieces) for More Joy Day, as follows:
XF, Discworld, and SG-1: [link]
Lymond Chronicles, Avengers/SHIELD, and SG-1: [link]
Dana, I get those! We need a word for the mixture of "That's nice." and "What the Hell?" Commenter did explain that she's foreign, which helped a little, but still.
I sort of want to answer, because I think it's a genuine question, but on the other hand, I have almost no idea what to say.
It's been a while since I actually got a "When's the sequel?" comment. I'm a little tempted to respond with, "Look at the top of the page. Note the year this story was posted. Extrapolate from there."
Festivids is rocking my world. This is a ridiculously awesome Pacific Rim vid: [link]
Someone I used to beta read for in the Mentalist fandom has started writing Sherlock fic. Hooo boy, has Sherlock captured Lothiriel84's imagination such that her writing is so much more skillful. I suppose the same thing could be said of my writing taking a few leaps in skill from ST:V to Mentalist, but there were a number of years in between. The transition time for her was less than a week.
[link] Just in case any feels like reading her stuff - It tends toward character studies.
laurashapiro posted a link to this fantastic Avengers vid. A look at military power/Avengers.
Which leads me in to the current surge of interest in Steve/Bucky & Steve/Bucky/Natasha fics (which makes me very happy), and someone on LJ's suggestion that
The world needs some kind of epic reincarnation fic, where Steve is Achilles, many lifetimes better and wiser, and Bucky is his Patroclus, whom he loses over and over, until the one lifetime where he gets him back.
Someone write this NAO. PLZ.
I assume that's victoria, and really, she's probably your best bet.