Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oh merciful heavens, the cats are looking at me funny.
Dammit, my fanart Tumblr follower numbers are in the low 90s. People do things when they hit thresholds. I can't work out a thing. It's not like I can just, you know, draw better, or anything.
For 69 followers, that was pretty easy.
It could take me another month to get the next 7 followers. Or a year. Assuming I lose none. What the FUCK is appropriate for such a teeny weeny little anniversary?
You could always do a 99 Problems-themed drawing for that number instead. (Not one of the better episodes plot-wise, but hey, visually you'd have Michael Shanks to play with...)
Woot! Found PDFs of three of thefarofixer's fics. They're linked on this page [link]
They're my three faves, Our Hell Is A Good Life, You Wouldn't Want An Angel Watching Over You, and the lamentably unfinished Rebel, Rebel.
That's a good resource. Given the thoroughness with which the last author I was looking for nuked herself, I'm assuming she'll get a little red star. I'm always so curious why people disappear entirely. It's depressing enough when they remove a WIP because it gives them bad feels.
Matt, I don't know if Michael Shanks is a reward for anyone--not that I don't like him, but I don't think I've ever seen a pic or a request.
Fan fic pet peeve #27: Having the characters say each other's names. In. Every. Line. Of. Dialogue. When they only say 'em about twice an ep, like at the start of a phone call or when they specifically address someone in company of other people.
I wish people did that IRL, so that when I space on someone's name, I can just wait on a third person to address them.
I wish people did that IRL, so that when I space on someone's name, I can just wait on a third person to address them.
I keep trying to make people get into situations where they are alone outside the front of my house to try and lure my nosy (but nice) neighbor out. Because then they can ask her name. I've chatted with her far too much to admit I don't remember it.
This is a golden disclaimer:
I am not bad with grammar, I am actually very well with it. This story I repeat is unedited, so yes, there will be mistakes. I just wrote the story for people who are bored out of their minds and can't find anything else to read. There is just so many words that it will take time to catch all of the mistakes. Thank you for all of those who are concerned. The mistakes are not corrected because I haven't had the chance to go over the story and my keyboard is less then functional.
(I was gonna go with just the first sentence, but I love "then functional" too...)
As a note, this is the story that swaps bare and bear, and really close to each other. I've never seen a fic of this length just go whole hog for the wrong word so many times *as* well as have so many words that are red squiggles in most technology since 2005. It's really execrable.
Oh, and the story is full of consistency and logical errors, emotional cheap shots, just generally crappy 54K+ that I did a lot of skimming through, since it was so golden.