Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Congratulations, Jilli and Dana!
Amy, I will join you in grinding through to meet the deadline. I have three huge chunks of plot to get through before I can consider my draft done.
Way to go, Jilli!
I'm considering taking next Wednesday off and spending the day doing Yuletide. For once we don't have anyone visiting us for the holiday, so there's a good chance I won't have much in the way of family obligations, and I can just hang out and chill.
Oh, right. Must get shitty first draft finished and off to beta.
I'm writing! And it doesn't suck!
You guys! Yesterday I finally pulled a story I wrote off of my alternate LJ (that I've stopped using) and posted it on AO3 under my easily-found username. Today I had email saying I had two kudos on it!
Whoo! See, you should do that more. ::nods::
I posted! Whoo. But I can still edit, right?
Yep, you can edit up until the deadline. Or, I guess, perpetually thereafter.
I remember when you had to email elynross if you wanted to edit anything!
I am very grateful for editing. Right now I'm glad I made the deadline but convinced I should completely rewrite the whole thing. And I definitely need a new title.