Way to go, Jilli!
I'm considering taking next Wednesday off and spending the day doing Yuletide. For once we don't have anyone visiting us for the holiday, so there's a good chance I won't have much in the way of family obligations, and I can just hang out and chill.
Oh, right. Must get shitty first draft finished and off to beta.
I'm writing! And it doesn't suck!
You guys! Yesterday I finally pulled a story I wrote off of my alternate LJ (that I've stopped using) and posted it on AO3 under my easily-found username. Today I had email saying I had two kudos on it!
Whoo! See, you should do that more. ::nods::
I posted! Whoo. But I can still edit, right?
Yep, you can edit up until the deadline. Or, I guess, perpetually thereafter.
I remember when you had to email elynross if you wanted to edit anything!
I am very grateful for editing. Right now I'm glad I made the deadline but convinced I should completely rewrite the whole thing. And I definitely need a new title.
Dude, I threw in a title, probably need to swell it by about another 1k, and my summary is pants.
This might be the most impressive piece of art anyone's ever done for a story of mine:
Isn't that lovely?