And there's this one due south necrophiliac story that I really didn't want to like but couldn't help myself.
Is that the creepy one you showed me?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
And there's this one due south necrophiliac story that I really didn't want to like but couldn't help myself.
Is that the creepy one you showed me?
Maybe, if it was F/K and Fraser was the dead guy. It should be wrong, but there's something compelling about it.
Yes, Virginia, once upon a time I said, "Slash? Guys together? That's--but why?"
That's me! Only with Harry Potter fic.
Upon which note, my most shameful pairings would be cross-generational HP stories. Have only read a handful, and do find the idea v. squicksome, for obvious reasons...but when something's written or rec'd by someone you really trust, well - argh.
I don't think I ever said "Guys together? But why?" I grew up with enough guys together on tv for me to know of the hotness early on. It's perhaps unsurprising then that there's not much I won't read. RPS is a definite squick. Also, and I'm sorry everyone who writes him, but I just can't see Snape in any kind of sexual way, ever. Same for Giles. And now you're all going to throw stories at me to change my mind, I know. But just, ew.
I can't think of any pairings that I'm embarassed about reading. Where did my shame go? I'm sure I used to have some.
You kind of need shame for that.
As usual, Dana is me.
Shame would interfere with my porn habit, and gracious, we can't have that. Not to mention that I was posting about how my shame was busy giving a blowjob to a man in a skirt years ago.
My shame is a happy cocksucker.
Fic question:
Where the hell is all the Jool/Chiana?
You mean it isn't everywhere?
It should have like, warring archive and its own minifandom.
Yet I have heard this is not the case, and am sad and confused.
Yet I have heard this is not the case, and am sad and confused.
It is the case as far as I am aware, and like you, I am confused that the fandom failed to produce plenty of Jool/Chiana.
One of these days, I should give my DVDs a spin and write some.
It practically writes itself, damn it. They're as slashy as Anna/Sydney, Buffy/Faith, or Xena/Gabrielle.
Maybe one day, I'll own the DVDs, and feel comfortable enough with the series to write some.