Fic question:
Where the hell is all the Jool/Chiana?
'War Stories'
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Fic question:
Where the hell is all the Jool/Chiana?
You mean it isn't everywhere?
It should have like, warring archive and its own minifandom.
Yet I have heard this is not the case, and am sad and confused.
Yet I have heard this is not the case, and am sad and confused.
It is the case as far as I am aware, and like you, I am confused that the fandom failed to produce plenty of Jool/Chiana.
One of these days, I should give my DVDs a spin and write some.
It practically writes itself, damn it. They're as slashy as Anna/Sydney, Buffy/Faith, or Xena/Gabrielle.
Maybe one day, I'll own the DVDs, and feel comfortable enough with the series to write some.
They are so slashy that I assumed, from the handful of eps I caught, that there was a textual relationship.
Not, then?
Not stated canonically, but you can totally read it.
Plei, I think Thea (thassalia on LJ) might have written some, once upon a time. Or Feldman (rubberneck). The other thing would be to run a search on Leviathan and see what comes up.
Farscape fic is, much of it, muchly about the Great Angsty Het Ship. And some slash in the corners: J/DK, J/Sc, J/D, B/Sc. Bits of A/Cr, A/Ch, D/Ch here and there. Used to be you'd find J/Z here and there, but not so much anymore.
Used to be you'd find J/Z here and there, but not so much anymore.
They kept getting the names mixed up.
It's like portions of my mind were replaced by aliens.
More likely by hot, angsty guys who leered at each other as they performed the surgery.
There was a Jool/Chiana story in the first year of yuletide.