Symptom of reading too much pr0n: doing weed identification at work for the interns and calling Prostrate Spurge "Prostate Spurge".
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I would never be able to get past spurge. Totally stuck on spurge. I googled the spurge, and I'm still not moving on.
I do have a hard time when people discuss the taking out of kinks, because I am quite avidly against kink shaming, even software should be proud of its kinks, as long as no one's getting hurt.
I saw there was a show called "Shipping Wars" and was surprised that they were moving junk across country.
I mean, if your code has kinks, who are you to remove them? You have lots of software. Find an application with a compatible kink...der.
eta: Though I would pay to watch Shipping Wars. Hell, I might pay to be on that show. I have some positions to argue, for sure. And I got some rarepairs in my pocket--you don't have defenses against these puppies...
How gorgeous is this piece of Teen Wolf fanart: [link] ? From what I can tell, that's Stiles and not O'Brien, since he's buffer than that, but it's still really gorgeous. That's a definite save.
"Which creature would you most like to club until it yields its prize?"
This one is much more introspective than the Party fic, but I loved Steve getting to use new technology in an artistic way. Kind of. [link]
Argh, I foolishly signed up to pinch-hit for a ficathon which has just started posting, and I haven't gotten more than 900 words into my story and it's due Saturday and I just spent 4 days in Colorado in constant company with family and tomorrow I'm flying to LA for two days of site visits and meetings. WTF was I thinking?